May 27, 2002
nature: orange roses
These roses are such a pretty color, particularly when you dry them. I'll always love them :)
May 27, 2002 10:54 PM
there are problems with this form for one the value that is set does not show up in the input field like it should at least for me
ray on 02/10/11coucou
ismahane on 04/08/01defs gtfy huyek biobg
hamid on 04/08/10salam elona yeqin ki xoshuna geler
Elona on 04/08/11oh my God, How beautiful the roses, .... Hope you send me a roses to my mail..... I like it very much, Thank you so much, I really love roses , especially the red color
weng on 05/01/26I love this kind of roses!!Particuarly the colour!!When i see them i will always love them!!:P
What gorgeous Roses. I wonder what you gave them to make them bloom like this???
Rosemarie on 06/10/30
Gosh, they are beautiful! My roses have buds on them, but haven't bloomed yet. I can't wait! I love their bright colors and sweet smell :)
Amy on 02/05/30