June 25, 2002
062502c - daily
June 25, 2002
062502b - daily
June 25, 2002
062502a - daily
June 24, 2002
mt hood 205 - out

Mt. Hood from the 205 bridge is also an exquisite site. It looks so big in person, and when I downloaded this file from my camera, I thought it had shrunk it. LOL!
June 24, 2002
mt hood distance - out

There used to be a sign right here on the highway that said "Mt. Hood in the distance." So everyone knows its a beautiful view. Good reason to bring your camera to work, so you can catch THIS on your way there. Goodness, I love where I live!
June 24, 2002
new blender - home

Would you look at this? Costco had super-dooper smoothie makers on sale when we went. Its all silver and shiney and makes yummy things! Better than my $15 blender. ROCK!
June 17, 2002
palm trees 2 - CAtrip
June 17, 2002
little eandc - CAtrip

I *love* the pictures of little Eric and Craig. They were adorable little boys. This picture I took a picture of is proof!!!
June 17, 2002
e kitchen - CAtrip

I love the layout of E's family kitchen. Its got a breakfast bar on one end and the diningroom on the other end, and it is nice and roomy for multiple cooks in the kitchen - and since E's mom loves entertaining, its good that it has lots of room!
June 17, 2002
eric shrine - CAtrip

E's bedroom has been converted into a guest bedroom. We are the main guests who stay in there. But the funny thing is that there is a wide variety of pictures of Eric and pictures of the two of us all over the dresser in that room! I sat on the bed to take a picture, and left the flash on because i liked the glow I got.
I just might submit this to the mirror project because I like how it turned out! :)
June 16, 2002
kande 061602 - CAtrip
June 16, 2002
kristine dahlia - CAtrip

Dahlia and Kristine watch Craig open his presents. Dahlia and Craig have been dating for several years now, and are really cute together. She's a sweetheart, and we have nice talks when we are together.
June 16, 2002
craig presents - CAtrip
June 16, 2002
nita kristine - CAtrip
June 16, 2002
sunny family - CAtrip

The Beeson family, in the sunshine at Craig's graduation from LaSierra University.
from left to right: Eric, Kristine, Lorna, Craig, and Larry
June 16, 2002
kristinegrad - CAtrip

And then Eric got ahold of the camera and caught me sitting waiting for family pictures in my pretty dress. It was really sunny out there, so most of the pics have me with my glasses on.
June 16, 2002
ericgrad - CAtrip
June 16, 2002
Juanita - CAtrip

Eric's newest adopted cousin Juanita (Nita for short) decided she liked me right off the bat because I played play-do with her. She sat on my lap for a lot of graduation, and so when she got bored, I showed her a picture of herself on my computer. She's adorable!
June 16, 2002
craig walk - CAtrip
June 16, 2002
craig wave - CAtrip
June 16, 2002
palm trees - CAtrip

I love palm trees the best out of anything outside in CA. They are so pretty, and so unlike anything we have up here. Beautiful!
June 15, 2002
game night 5 - CAtrip

Couples at game night - Brian and Emilia have been dating for a while (I think), and Greg and Meg just got engaged after dating for YEARS! Both couples are super cute, and I had a lot of fun talking to the girls while the boys played.
June 15, 2002
game night 3 - CAtrip

Game night 3: Quoc, Hans, and a side view of Dave. They are playing some space ship game with cards where they kill each others ships based on what values they have. Way beyond me!
June 15, 2002
game night 2 - CAtrip

Game night 2: around the table from left is Quoc, Hans (the Everquest guy), Dave, and Brian (the MC from our wedding)
June 15, 2002
game night 1 - CAtrip

A trip to California isn't a trip unless it includes a game night! E invites all his best friends, and his mom always makes a huge meal, and they play games for much of the night. I usually go to bed part way through! So when I went to bed, E took the camera and took some pictures.
June 15, 2002
craigs name - CAtrip

As we looked through the program the first night we were in CA, E's mom and dad were sitting there and said "this is what we thought of when we were naming the boys - how their names would look in italics in a graduation program." So as I sat at grad, I snapped a picture to capture that thought. Looks nice, doesn't it?
June 14, 2002
toes - daily

Toesies, toesies, purple painted toesies....
Now I have purple toes for my trip, and Christine gets a picture of toes :) Everybodys happy!
June 11, 2002
shiny computer - computers

Look how beautiful and shiny it is!! The cd-rw even has a silver front! And my camera matches when its ontop too :) I love it. I'm so lucky :)
June 3, 2002
060302 - daily

Happy Kristine waits her computer wich is being set up. Note the orangey hair that hasn't been fixed yet!
June 3, 2002
comp6 - computers
June 3, 2002
comp5 - computers

Look how shiny it is! I got to pick the case out myself. I haven't figured out yet what I should do to the floppy drive because its ugly and doesn't match. . . my real CDRW will match, though, because its got a silver face :)
June 3, 2002
comp4 - computers
June 3, 2002
comp3 - computers
June 3, 2002
comp2 - computers
June 3, 2002
comp1 - computers

Step one to building a computer - read the instuctions. E says "I don't need no silly instructions" so I read until he got stuck and needed them ;)
June 2, 2002
little megan - family

This is little Megan. She's my sisters doll that sits in her car. My little Kristine sits on my desk. So I promised I'd take a picture and put it up of little Megan so little Kristine wouldn't be so lonely. :)